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Showing posts from December, 2022

Main door fixing rituals (Baagila Pooja) @ Kengeri, Bangalore

Performed Main Door fixing rituals for our residential project at Kengeri, Bangalore. In Karnataka it is called "Baagila Pooja" in the local language. It is one of the very famous rituals related to hose construction in India.

Column Concreting, PCC along with anti termite treatment

 Performed Column concreting, PCC along with  anti termite treatment on plinth level. Below task were executed  Steel box has been used for better concreting. Vibrator is must during concrete PCC has been executed using M15 Grade of cement mixture.  Anti termite liquids has been spread on the 40 mm aggregate. 

Roof Waterproofing using Dr, Fix It roof guard

Roof Waterproofing: Roof waterproofing is one of the very important activity in any building. It protects water entering inside the concrete which will be the reason for steel rod rusting ending with weakening the structure.  BEFORE AFTER